Start your healing journey

We’re here to support and empower you.

A supportive, self-empowering journey to achieve your health and wellness goals, whatever they may be.

Acupuncture treatments on South Coast


Acupuncture utilises very fine, single-use, sterilised needles to encourage healing through the flow of blood, lymph and vital fluids in your body.

Cupping treatment by Felicity Ling


An ancient therapy where a cup is applied to the skin and the pressure is reduced, causing your tissue to release toxins and provide other benefits.

Preparation of herbs for Chinese medicine in bowl

Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine is based on ancient methodologies, including acupuncture, herbal medicines and various other mind/body practices.



Your AHPRA registered practitioner

As a registered acupuncturist and our founder, Felicity believes that Chinese Medicine is all about balance. It’s about stillness and calm, just as much as movement and activity. From eating vegetables and drinking tea to enjoying that cake and glass of wine. It’s peace and joy offset by a little screaming and crying. As Felicity says, there’s no right and no wrong when it comes to finding your balance.

Profile image of Felicity Ling, acupuncturist and chinese medicine practictioner.